Saturday, March 28, 2009

International Night with the Girl Scouts

Sydney's Junior Girl Scout troop had an International Festival tonight. We represented Mexico. It was a fun night serving Nachos and Flan. Sydney and her friend Annabelle are all decked out in their costumes. The girls were so cute.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey!

Today is my dear ,sweet, loving ,funny husband's birthday. He is my rock and my anchor.
I can do nothing without him, and I love him more every day.I still remember that shy(yes, I know it is hard to believe), little boy in Mrs. Missildine's 7th grade English class sitting next to me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd marry him, but God is good ,and he gave me a wonderful christian man that I now love with all of my being!
Happy Birthday Todd!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Just a Good Day to Be Alive

It is just another wonderful, blessed day to be with my children. I am always needing to be mindful of the little things that happen in our lives.
Live today as if it were your last. You will never be disappointed!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Honoring our troops

Last night, Veritas Classical School where Sydney & Nick go, put on their Spring performance.

It was fantastic! They honored every branch of the military by singing all their special songs. There were about 70 children there with family and friends. They did a USO talent show with all kinds of entertainment from the 1940's era and WWII. I even got to sing one of the Andrew Sister's songs in a trio with one of the teacher's and her daughter. We had a really great time,and we remembered what our men and women sacrificed during that time in our history.

Thank you to all who serve willingly in our armed forces!

We APPRECIATE you very much!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I am now convinced that when everyone goes out of town , (husband and parents included),something is going to happen that I have to fix. Whether it is a leak in the ceiling, rushing river coming out of dishwasher, the air conditioner stopping in 90 degree weather, or last night,the fire alarm going off at mom and dad's , and all of PTC Fire Dept. showing up because they didn't trust your password.
Am I being tested?
Last night,I have my dad in one ear, and the security company in another ear. It was quite hilarious. Should I have put us all on a three-way?
My sister is telling mom they might have to "bust "down the door."Land Sakes" , is her reply.( in her sweet southern accent)
I rush over to the house , and play "maintainence man", to disarm the alarm, as dad is telling me what to do. (I was literally in the alarm transformer box with a philipshead screwdriver, disconnecting wires )
My brother-in-law was hoping I'd be carted off to jail.( he's always messing with me).
Luckily, it was only a faulty smoke detector. That is an easy fix.
Well, at least my children are learning to handle situations that may arise when no one is around.
Everyone have a great trip, I"M HOLDING DOWN THE FORT WHILE YOU ARE GONE!!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day & love to all !!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Getting ready for a DRAMATIC weekend

Well, the Thespian( Not a perverted word- it's the Nat'l Drama Society ) in me is ready for an exciting weekend. Friday a friend is, "Thumbelina", Saturday, Sydney's friend is in" The Little Mermaid" at her school, and Sunday a friend from church is "Gaston" in "The Beauty and the Beast" in his highschool play. It should be a fun filled weekend.
Makes me think of the old days staying after school every day for drama practice. Those were some great times!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting a Facebook Page

I have gotten a Facebook page, and am loving getting in contact with some old friends, and seeing their families. It is great to see how everyone has grown. It gives you a chance to talk with dear friends that I haven't seen in many years.